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Psychology 101: Majandas Karamchand Gandhi - the capabilities of the human brain have no borders or barriers of geography, ethnicity, social status, or any kind -

 Psychology 101: Mojandas Karamchand Gandhi: the capabilities of the human brain have NO borders or barriers of geography, ethnicity, social status, or any kind - with the almost unlimited power of your brain you can do anything that benefits humanity -

**By Hector Williams Zorrilla

If you have not seen the movie "Gandhi", I recommend that you watch it now at the beginning of a new year. The inspiration that the film will awaken in you, will serve as intrinsic motivation for the rest of the year and it will be the best investment of three hours of your life.

The British Empire did not expect that a small, frail and visually weak body like Dr. Gandhi would inhabit a brain as powerful, precise, sharp, and emotionally and intellectually wise and focused. They judged the book by the cover or title page and they were wrong, because Dr. Gandhi knew how to effectively use the almost unlimited powers of his brain.

Dr. Gandhi is proof that the human brain represents and expresses humanity. And furthermore, that when the brains of a particular society or country unite their energetic powers in the name of a worthy human cause, EVERYTHING is possible, even those feats that for human strategies would seem IM-POSSIBLE.

The ideational energies that come and emanate from a brain motivated and focused on a historical truth, ideas whose time has come, are invincible and infect all those who have to be part of his heroic deeds. Dr. Gandhi tested this paradigm ad nauseam, infecting millions of human beings in his homeland and throughout the world.

Dr. Gandhi used the magical, wonderful and almost limitless powers of his brain to enlighten, direct and guide all the brains of a country divided into castes with diverse social status, towards a common goal. And history was in charge of giving everyone the reason that flowed and emanated transparently from all these brains enlightened with the truth of history.

The ideational powers embedded in the brain of Dr. Gandhi did not remain influencing only his country of India, those brain powers circulated and continue to motivate present humanity.

For example, the technique of non-violence to resolve all forms of human conflicts devised and implemented by Dr. Gandhi, continues to be used today in all areas and spheres of human conflict resolution.

It is the brain colleagues, it is the human brain that we have to take care of, protect, stimulate and educate from pregnancy and during physical life. And educate the brain, with the ideas of education that Dr. Gandhi had.

Dr. Gandhi did not believe that simple literacy meant education. Education, explained Dr. Gandhi, goes far beyond literacy and teaching children to read and write.

The brain is the most precious and valuable resource that human beings possess.

The visible political and socio-cultural photograph of any society is the expression of the state of the brains of all its inhabitants. If we want to know the degrees of brain development of the inhabitants of a society, we only have to observe how people live in that society, what social situations have been resolved or not, how children, animals, the elderly live, the levels of health, education, citizenship, and citizen security that its citizens enjoy.

All these socio-cultural factors and many others are reflections or mirrors that show the state of the brains of the inhabitants of a country or society.

**The author is a psychologist, university professor and writer


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