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Mostrando entradas de enero 2, 2022

Psychology 101: To that (in your daily life) that you give your ATENTION will grow in your life…

  January 2, 2022 "To that (in your daily life) that you give your ATTENTION (the things on which you focus your life) WILL GROW ..." ** By Hector Williams Zorrilla Today begins page # 2 of the 365 pages available to you during this new year 2022 ... Stop for 60 seconds, Take a deep breath ... Expires through the mouth with an ahhhh ... Pay special attention to today's title, because in the pages of the remaining 363 days of the new year 2022 you could write everything you propose ... But you have to meet one condition: focus your daily attention on the good and positive things that you aspire to, desire, and want to see grow and increase in your life ... You have 363 days to learn to focus on them consistently ... This is the universal and inviolable law that governs and controls the law of sowing and reaping: "To those things, people, situations, circumstances that you give your attention, that is, that you focus your energies in your daily life, they WILL GROW and...

Psicología 101: A eso (en tu diario vivir) que tú das tu atención CRECERÁ en tu vida..

 Enero 2, 2022 “A eso (en tu diario vivir) que tú das tu ATENCIÓN (las cosas en las que enfocas tu vida) CRECERÁ…” **Por Hector Williams Zorrilla Hoy empieza la página # 2 de las 365 páginas disponibles para ti durante este nuevo año 2022… Detente por 60 segundos, Respira profundo… Expira por la boca con un ahhhh… Préstale atención especial al título de hoy, porque en las páginas de los 363 días restante del nuevo año 2022 podrías escribir todo lo que tú te propongas… Pero tú tienes que cumplir con una condición: enfocar tu atención diaria en las cosas buenas y positivas que tú aspiras, deseas, y quieres ver crecer y aumentar en tu vida… Tú dispones de 363 días para aprender a enfocarte en ellas de forma consistente… Esta es la ley universal e inviolable que rige y controla la ley de la siembra y la cosecha: “A esas cosas, personas, situaciones, circunstancias que tú das tu atención, es decir, que tú enfocas tus energías en tu diario vivir, CRECERÁN y aumentarán indiscutible e irre...

Psychology 101: Do not worry so much about things out of your control…

 January 1, 2022 "HAKUNA MATATA ... Don't worry so much about things OUT of your control ..." ** By Hector Williams Zorrilla It is good to start the blank pages of this new year with HAKUNA MATATA ... HAKUNA MATATA is a positive mental attitude (PMA) to face everyday life ... Jesus Christ already said it: "Look at the lilies of the field how they grow and the birds how they live without worrying ... You cannot add an inch to your stature with unnecessary eagerness (worries) ..." HAKUNA MATATA is planning the important things in life: the profession or how to “earn a living”, finances, love and sexuality, the family, and leaving a positive legacy to humanity, BUT without forgetting the most important thing that has real and imperishable value: living life with purpose ... HAKUNA MATATA is the positive mental attitude of living life with the wisdom that says that all I have is this micro second of breath ... the next breath is a gift that I must value as such ... ...