*By Hector Williams Zorrilla
The COVID-19 pandemic found many millions of human brains out of date and disconnected from the process that knowledge follows in the current era.
But not only to human beings per se, but also to millions of educational institutions, including prestigious universities, to which the COVID-19 pandemic showed their photographs disconnected from the processes of knowledge in the 21st century.
No human being who has the doors and windows of his brain open can have the slightest doubt that human knowledge is currently virtualized.
The Google app in any language is a virtual brain available to anyone on the planet with internet access.
Libraries are becoming virtualized in almost every country on the globe.
The publications of books and magazines are virtual or digital, not physical.
Teaching and learning processes at all levels, including literacy, are virtualized and digitized. Now you learn to read on tablets and smartphones.
Most of the universities of the entire planet earth, including the most prestigious ones, have academic offers up to the doctorate level without the need to step on their physical plants, in almost all areas of scientific and professional knowledge.
The 21st century is the era of virtualized knowledge, and there is no sign that this accelerated process is temporary. No, this is a permanent process of the evolution of knowledge, to which we all have to link ourselves for our own benefit. Our brains with virtual habits will be grateful.
*The author is a psychologist, university professor and writer
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