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Psychology 101: Nelson Mandela - the human brain is magical, wonderful and very powerful -

 Nelson Mandela: The human brain is magical, wonderful and very powerful - it allows us to transform any personal and social environmental "reality" -

**By Hector Williams Zorrilla

The life of every living being is embodied in his brain.

The life of each human being is outlined, is oriented and is guided by his brain.

The history of each human being is contained, written and expressed by his brain.

Therefore, the history of humanity is embodied and expressed through the brains of each human being who is part of humanity.

The history, progress and development of each human civilization is the history of the brain development of the humans that make up each stage of human civilization.

No human civilization, therefore, no human culture, goes ahead and goes beyond the brain development of the humans who create it. Except, some visionary humans who are ahead of their zeitgeist (of their epoch and times).

Many human societies have fallen short in the emphasis they place on their most precious resource: the brains of their inhabitants. And for doing this, they pay a very high price in the level they achieve civilization, development and prosperity for their citizens.

Nelson Mandela honored the almost limitless capabilities of his brain. And by doing so, he proved that the human brain is a magical, wonderful and powerful organ.

Dr. Mandela used the magical, wondrous, almost limitless powers of his brain to rise above and overcome the most adverse environmental conditions that a human being can face.

Dr. Mandela went from being imprisoned for life in the most humiliating human conditions possible, to the presidency of his country after spending 27 years in prison.

During those 27 years in prison, Dr. Mandela dedicated himself to caring for, protecting, and positively stimulating his brain. The magical, wonderful and almost unlimited power of his brain allowed him to see himself as a free being together with his people, even when his physical body that contained his brain was locked in the most hostile and unimaginable prison.

For the human brain, a magical, wonderful and almost limitless organ, there are no insurmountable human environments.

The Lord Jesus Christ already said: "To him who believes, all things are possible..."

**The author is a psychologist, university professor and writer


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