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Psychology 101: Life is -beautiful and deserves to be lived to the fullest -

 Psychology 101: Life is beautiful and deserves to be lived to the fullest - a positive mental attitude (PMA) increases the degrees of happiness-

January 6, 2022

** By Hector Williams Zorrilla

We now know that both positive mental attitude (PMA) and negative mental attitude (NMA) affect the human brain. And that in fact, both attitudes have the power to generate and produce types of connecting hormones that affect the entire human organism.

For example, negative mental attitude creates and increases stress-producing hormones in the body. And it is also known that these hormones negatively affect not only the brain, but also other vital organs of the human body, such as the heart.

And still something else: people with a persistent and long-lasting negative mental attitude are extremely bored, unhappy, find it difficult to establish healthy connections and relationships, get sicker, and even live less long, that is, they last fewer years of physical life.

On the other hand, people with a positive mental attitude possess the opposite qualities of people with a negative mental attitude.

People with a positive mental attitude produce the "happiness hormone" more frequently, and therefore have higher gradients of happiness. This benefit radiates throughout the body and in all connections and personal and social relationships of happy people.

People with a negative mental attitude call people with a positive mental attitude “lucky”, because they seem to attract to them, like an magnet, the good and beautiful things that life and the universe have available to all human beings.

The basic and essential belief that people with a positive mental attitude possess and distinguish is the following.

People with a positive mental attitude believe in an experiential way that life is beautiful and that it deserves to be lived fully, not half, in pieces, and thrown away like garbage.

People with a positive mental attitude love life, and are aware that life is themselves. Therefore, they treat life with love, affection, respect, admiration, honor and they feel privileged to have the opportunity to live it every day.

If people with a positive mental attitude have and go through "difficult" and conflictive moments, situations and circumstances, and in the blank pages of life there are all kinds of experiences to fill them, these life experiences are perceived and faced with a positive mental attitude. And they clearly understand that these "negative" experiences come to teach lessons, make them stronger and more resilient and carry them into a new space of greater success.

People with a positive mental attitude understand that life and the universe are always in their favor and seek the best for themselves.

The goals for a new year of people with a positive mental attitude flourish within this garden that has all the ingredients for success.

** The author is a psychologist, university professor and writer



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