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Psychology 101: calm, serenity and tranquility are spiritual and psycho-emotional virtues that are stimulated and cultivated from within the being…

 Psychology 101: Calm, serenity and tranquility are spiritual and psycho-emotional virtues that are stimulated and cultivated from within the being. In addition, they are skills or abilities that are learned and perfected with practice...

**By Hector Williams Zorrilla

Everything that exists manifests itself in some form of energy.

The human body is a biochemical, hormonal and physical-quantum energetic "entity".

The stress, tension and anxiety that accumulate in the bodies are hormonal, biochemical and physical-quantum energies that, when they overflow need to be dissipated and released in a healthy way.

The sexual desire that accumulates in the body, for example, is a form of hormonal and biochemical energy that is dissipated or released through sexual orgasms.

The brain is in charge of mediating and regulating all the hormonal, biochemical and physical-quantum energies of the human body.

Following the example of the sexual energy accumulated in the organism, the organ of the body that really triggers and produces the orgasms that dissipate and release the accumulated erotic energies is the brain. In other words, orgasms are actually triggered and produced by the brain.

As the erotic energies stored and accumulated in the body are released and dissipated through an orgasm, the hormonal, biochemical and quantum-physical energy of the body is balanced again. And through this act, the biochemical, hormonal and quantum-physical energies of the body are calmed and serene, bringing balance and homeostasis to the body.

I describe this example so that the subject treated in this short writing can be understood with better intellectual clarity.

As all that exists is some form of biochemical and physical quantum energy, and because the tendency of every organism is towards balance and homeostasis, all forms of overflowed tension, stress or anxiety can be dissipated and released following the principle of sexual orgasms.

I have stated in my writings that anything that dissipates and releases the energies of stress, tension and anxiety is some form of orgasmic experience. But we are so used to understanding orgasms as if they were only erotic experiences, that it is difficult for us to understand that enjoying a sunset or sunrise, a good poem, painting or song, a concert, a play, or any other activity that excites us and fills us with joy is a legitimate way to experience orgasms in life. And that's what they are from an energetic perspectives: orgasms that release overflowed energies.

In any situation or circumstance in which the body is under tension, stress or anxiety, the key is to dissipate or release that overflow energy so that the body returns to its natural balance and homeostasis.

We already know that as long as you are alive and your body uses biochemical, hormonal, and quantum-physical energies to fulfill its natural functions, you will continue to experience stress, tension and anxiety naturally.

The energies of tension, stress and anxiety are healthy for the body, and without some level of these biochemical, hormonal and quantum-physical energies the human body "dies".

The key in life to maintain CALM, stillness, serenity and tranquility, that is, balance and homeostasis in the hormonal, biochemical and physical-quantified energies of the human body, is to know when, how, why and where to experience the orgasms that will dissipate and release the overflowed tensions, stress and anxieties that are accumulated in the body.

That's all it takes, and learning those skills and abilities is a key part of maintaining good physical and mental health.

“CALM, everything settles in its time”.

**The author is a psychologist, university professor and writer


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