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Psychology 101: Gratitude is not a mere feeling “dressed” with positive emotions when everything is going well in our lives…

 Psychology 101: True GRATITUDE is not a mere feeling dressed in "positive" emotions when all things are going well for our lives - GRATITUDE is the pinnacle of mental health -

By Hector Williams Zorrilla, psychologist and university professor

I will express it from the beginning of this short writing on gratitude: GRATITUDE does not consist in remembering to give THANKS only when we have economic prosperity, excellent relationships with the people we love, good physical and psycho-emotional health, a prosperous professional career and a great job that satisfies us ...

GRATITUDE extends beyond these expressions and it is a spiritual practice that does not admit the hypocrisy of its practitioners.

The actual source of GRATITUDE emanates and originates from and / or the belief in the infinite and limitless ABUNDANCE of the universe. Gratitude is clothed with the idea that there are no limits, lacks, or needs in an infinitely abundant universe.

I'm sorry to say this, but people with deep-rooted beliefs in the need and lack of the universe find it very difficult to live the spiritual practice of GRATITUDE. You cannot believe and practice lack and need in your daily life, and at the same time be and live as a grateful person, overflowing with gratitude and appreciation for the abundance of life.

And this belief has nothing to do with owning many or few "things" or physical assets. It is not a matter of "poverty and lack of material things", because gratitude does not fix its eyes on these matters.

True GRATITUDE does not observe and perceive what is lacking, because GRATITUDE does not observe or perceive lacks or needs.

True GRATITUDE focuses and blesses what is possessed and enjoyed, and does so, not only for the fact of having the opportunity to enjoy it, but, for the GRATITUDE of being able to enjoy it and the attitude of being able to appreciate the emotion of gratitude.

I have to clarify that true GRATITUDE is not passive or submissive, much less, a pose and attitude of false humility.

On the contrary, true GRATITUDE is a revolutionary, advanced and proactive spiritual belief that possesses the power to strip "reality" of its illusory perceptual mirror that believes in limitation, need, and lack, in a universe that clearly is infinite and unlimited.

True GRATITUDE is a river of flowing water, new and renewed every second, not a stagnant pond with water without movement or renewal.

True GRATITUDE is an ocean of infinite possibilities, not a restricted lake.

True GRATITUDE is unlimited, open and free space, not a luxury vacation hotel with pre-fabricated rooms.

True GRATITUDE is a state of being (self), not a mere fleeting and temporary sense of well-being with the idea of ​​possessing "things" or social status.

True GRATITUDE is an immovable mountain that is carried within, not a transitory hurricane guided by the winds.

True GRATITUDE is a belief that is based on the ABUNDANT and infinite ENERGY of the universe.

True GRATITUDE is expressed like this: 

I am abundance, you are abundance, we are all abundance. Therefore, your abundance does not take away my abundance, nor does my abundance deprive you of yours. We are all abundance, because abundance is the essence of life, not lack or need.

For true GRATITUDE, giving thanks, thanks, thanks, is as natural a spiritual act as breathing, and the appreciation of all things flows with the breath.

True GRATITUDE brings and produces more situations, circumstances and people for which to be more GRATEFUL.

True GRATITUDE is a deep and limitless well from which people can get fresh water all the times.

True GRATITUDE is the pinnacle of spiritual, emotional, psychological and socioeconomic well-being, which psychology 101 calls excellent MENTAL HEALTH.

Life is beautiful. La vida es bella...



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