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The maternal womb: the pristine essence of love

The Maternal Womb: The Center of the Pristine Essence of Love ... 

By Hector Williams Zorrilla, Psychologist and university professor 

Today I wish to return to the gravitational center of the pristine essence of love: the maternal womb. 

There, the fertilized ovum in the fallopian tube returns to be the receptacle for all the miraculous cellular transformations that will allow it to enter the globe as a human. 

The maternal womb performs miraculous acts because it is the repository of the pristine essence of love: the human zygote, which is then a living fetus incarnating and propagating the human species. 

Procreation is a miraculous act. 

Procreate is a volutive faculty that is materialized, generally, through a conscious and pleasant sexual act between two people with sexual maturity. But procreating lives is still a miraculous and wonderful act. 

Just look to this fact: that from a protoplasm invisible to the human eye, human beings emerge capable of traveling to the moon, discovering and putting electrical energy to work, inventing and flying airplanes, inventing radio, TV, the Internet and all modern technologies, that is a miraculous and wonderful act. 

So, the uterus, that unique corporeal essence of the female sex, is the center and the pristine and intrinsic essence of love. 

The maternal womb is the fragrance from which the perfume of love emanates. From this perspective, maternal love is much more than just another type or way of loving. And this is the explanation of this truth: without the maternal love that is born and grows in the womb, one could not speak of paternal love, brotherly love, and not even philanthropic love or love towards humanity. 

Before men discovered that they were involved in pregnancy, a pregnant woman represented and was treated as a goddess. And precisely, a pregnant woman is the representation of divinity because her uterus is the center and the pristine and intrinsic essence of love. 

If getting pregnant or procreating is a miraculous and wonderful act, the process of fertilization magnifies this miraculous and wonderful act. 

There is no room for doubt: the female uterus is the center and essence of love.


*If can understand Spanish, I invite you to watch this short video showing how the human fertilization act happens*



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